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Kerst 120 > Gingerbread Santa 43x50x6cm

Gingerbread Santa 43x50x6cm

Gingerbread Santa 43x50x6cm

Gingerbread Santa 43x50x6cm

Artikelnummer: 71714400

Classic gingerbread decoration is perfect for Christmas arrangements during the Advent season. Our St. Nicholas presenter is made of hard foam and painted on one side with a brown back. Can be reused every year and will delight children.

  • Colour: red/white/brown
  • Dimensions: 43 x 50 x 6 cm (W x H x D)


Etalage Decoratie - tel. + 31 (0)6 301 57 498 - Banmolen 18a - 5768 ET Meijel - info@etalagedecoratie.nl | webdesign door InovaMedia