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Lattenkistjes 3tlg.

Lattenkistjes 3tlg.

Lattenkistjes 3tlg.

Artikelnummer: 68463723

Colourful, decorative wooden boxes with intentional uneven varnish in a shabby chic style. The decorative boxes are ideally suited for the stylish decoration of bottles, books, herb pots and many other accessories. You can easily turn the wooden boxes into a wall shelf with a little bit of craftsmanship.

Dimensions: (H x W x D), 7 mm thick wood

10 x 28 x 22,

11 x 34 x 27.5 and

12 x 40 x 32.5 cm .


Etalage Decoratie - tel. + 31 (0)6 301 57 498 - Banmolen 18a - 5768 ET Meijel - info@etalagedecoratie.nl | webdesign door InovaMedia